My.Settings object set setting by name?

  • Thread starter Dachshund Digital
  • Start date

Dachshund Digital

I know there must be a way to do this... in .NET 2.0?

I have a situation where I know the name of the setting, and want to
pass it into a function, and set or get the corresponding setting.

The following is find, but a pain if you have lots of settings to do in
one go...

Dim theSetting As Integer=My.Setting.Dachshund

Looking for some thing like...

Sub SetSetting(ByVal theName As String, ByVal theValue As Object)

My.Setting(theName) = theValue

End Sub

Function GetSetting(ByVal theName As String) As Object

Return (My.Settings(theName))

End Function

I figure i could call My.Setting.<Method>? Via Invoke by name? But I
am not a Invoke guru?

Any help greatly desired, Thanks


I know there must be a way to do this... in .NET 2.0?

I have a situation where I know the name of the setting, and want to
pass it into a function, and set or get the corresponding setting.

The following is find, but a pain if you have lots of settings to do in
one go...

Dim theSetting As Integer=My.Setting.Dachshund

Looking for some thing like...

Sub SetSetting(ByVal theName As String, ByVal theValue As Object)

My.Setting(theName) = theValue

This is evil, but you could always do something like

My.MySettingsProperty.Settings.Item(theName) = value

Rather than using undocumented names though, you'd probably be better
off saving a hashtable or NameValueCollection in My.Settings, then
accessing its members normally.

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