"My recent documents" folder has hundreds of files?


Sharon F


Users "My recent documents" -folder have hundreds of files in them.
It works correctly from the Windows, it shows only 15 last one used. But
the directory in their profile contains links to all the files, not just
the last 15..

I don't think it should work this way.. what is wrong?

XP Pro UK.


Actually, it is the way it works. These items are just shortcuts. Although
there are many, they are very small. Eventually, older ones will drop out
to make room for new. In other words, this folder behaves the same as the
start menu's recent list but the list is longer.

Sami Kapanen


Users "My recent documents" -folder have hundreds of files in them.
It works correctly from the Windows, it shows only 15 last one used. But
the directory in their profile contains links to all the files, not just
the last 15..

I don't think it should work this way.. what is wrong?

XP Pro UK.



Sharon F said:
Actually, it is the way it works. These items are just shortcuts. Although
there are many, they are very small. Eventually, older ones will drop out
to make room for new. In other words, this folder behaves the same as the
start menu's recent list but the list is longer.

Agreed they are small, but they still take up quite a lot of diskspace,
notably because they are small.
eg. on mine there are some 160 'shortcuts' with a total size of 95,078 bytes
taking up 655,360 bytes of diskspace.
With average shortcut sizes of around 600 bytes and pretty normal allocation
units on disk of 4096 bytes, that will do it to you.
Each shortcut will cost you an allocation unit.
I know disc capacity is at a premium these days (much MB for the buck), but
it is always nice to have optimal use of the available capacity.
Also, as an aside, huge amounts of itty-bitty-files only tend to contribute
to fragmentation on your disc.

just my take on it.


Sharon F

Sharon F said:
[24 quoted lines suppressed]

Agreed they are small, but they still take up quite a lot of diskspace,
notably because they are small.
eg. on mine there are some 160 'shortcuts' with a total size of 95,078 bytes
taking up 655,360 bytes of diskspace.
With average shortcut sizes of around 600 bytes and pretty normal allocation
units on disk of 4096 bytes, that will do it to you.
Each shortcut will cost you an allocation unit.
I know disc capacity is at a premium these days (much MB for the buck), but
it is always nice to have optimal use of the available capacity.
Also, as an aside, huge amounts of itty-bitty-files only tend to contribute
to fragmentation on your disc.

just my take on it.


While I understand what you're saying, George, it's my opinion that
worrying about half a megabyte of space -fragmentation and all - is not
very productive. "If it's not life threatening--" ;^)

Sharon F

george said:
[5 quoted lines suppressed]

And we have users with over 1000 shortcuts in their Recent documents..
I'm not worried about the diskspace, but this affects login times. We're
using roaming profiles and these small files slows down the login


If you believe this to be the source of the login delays, periodically run
a script to delete the shortcuts from that folder.

Wesley Vogel

How To Display, Use, and Clear "My Recent Documents" on the Start Menu in
Windows XP

To not show your most recently used documents on the Start menu
1 Right-click the Start button, and then click Properties.
2 On the Start Menu tab, click Start menu, and then click Customize.
3 On the Advanced tab, UNSelect the List my most recently opened documents
check box.

Using TweakUI
[+] Explorer

Allow Recent Documents on Start menu
[[This check box enables the display of “Documents” on the classic start
menu and enables the “List my most recently opened documents” checkbox on
the Start menu customization dialog.]]

Clear document history on exit
[[This check box will control whether Explorer will clear the recent
documents history, run dialog history and typed-URL history when
you log off]]

Maintain document history
[[This enables the tracking of recently opened documents on the Start menu
and on the file menu of many applications. (Note that some applications do
not respect this setting). ]]

Download TweakUI here >>>

Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP

Tweak UI

Tweak UI for Windows XP Guide

Registry settings for TweakUI tweaks:

Value Name: NoRecentDocsMenu
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 0 or 1
0 = Yes, allow recent docs
1 = No, do not allow recent docs

Value Name: ClearRecentDocsOnExit
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 0 or 1
0 = No don't clear
1 = Yes clear them

Value Name: NoRecentDocsHistory
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 0 or 1
0 = Yes history
1 = No history

If XP Pro you can use Group Edit...
Start | Run | Type: gpedit.msc | OK |
Navigate to >>>
User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Start Menu and Taskbar\

Remove the Documents menu from the Start menu.

[[The Documents menu contains links to the nonprogram files that users have
most recently opened. It appears so that users can easily reopen their
If you enable this setting, the system saves document shortcuts but does not
display them in the Documents menu. If you later disable it or set it to Not
Configured, the document shortcuts saved before the setting was enabled and
while it was in effect appear in the Documents menu.
Note: This setting does not prevent Windows programs from displaying
shortcuts to recently opened documents. See the "Do not keep history of
recently opened documents" setting.
Also, see the "Do not keep history of recently opened documents" and "Clear
history of recenTly opened documents on exit" policies in this folder.
This setting also does not hide document shortcuts displayed in the Open
dialog box. See the "Hide the dropdown list of recent files" setting. ]]

Do not keep history of recently opened documents

[[Prevents the operating system and installed programs from creating and
displaying shortcuts to recently opened documents.
If you enable this setting, the system and Windows programs do not create
shortcuts to documents opened while the setting is in effect. Also, they
retain but do not display existing document shortcuts. The system empties
the Documents menu on the Start menu, and Windows programs do not display
shortcuts at the bottom of the File menu.
If you disable this setting, the system defaults are enforced. Disabling
this setting has no effect on the system.
Note: The system saves document shortcuts in the user profile in the
System-drive\Documents and Settings\User-name\Recent folder.
If you enable this setting but do not enable the "Remove Documents menu from
Start Menu" setting, the Documents menu appears on the Start menu, but it is
If you enable this setting, but then later disable it or set it to Not
Configured, the document shortcuts saved before the setting was enabled
reappear in the Documents menu and program File menus.
This setting does not hide document shortcuts displayed in the Open dialog

Clear history of recently opened documents on exit

[[If you enable this setting, the system deletes shortcuts to recently used
document files when the user logs off. As a result, the Documents menu on
the Start menu is always empty when the user logs on.
If you disable or do not configure this setting, the system retains document
shortcuts, and when a user logs on the Documents menu appears just as it did
when the user logged off.
Note: The system saves document shortcuts in the user profile in the
System-drive\Documents and Settings\User-name\Recent folder. ]]

Registry settings for gpedit.msc:


The registry entries are DWORD values. A value of 1 is enabled, and a value
of 0 is disabled.

Policy: Remove Recent Documents item from Start Menu
Description: Removes the Recent Documents folder from the Start menu. Also
removes the corresponding checkbox from the Start menu customization CPL.
Registry Value: "NoRecentDocsMenu"

Policy: Clear history of recent documents on exit
Description: Deletes all shortcuts shown in the Recent Documents menu when
the user logs off.
Registry Value: "ClearRecentDocsOnExit"

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


Sami Kapanen

george said:
Agreed they are small, but they still take up quite a lot of diskspace,
notably because they are small.
eg. on mine there are some 160 'shortcuts' with a total size of 95,078 > bytes taking up 655,360 bytes of diskspace.

And we have users with over 1000 shortcuts in their Recent documents..
I'm not worried about the diskspace, but this affects login times. We're
using roaming profiles and these small files slows down the login



Sharon F said:
george said:
[5 quoted lines suppressed]

And we have users with over 1000 shortcuts in their Recent documents..
I'm not worried about the diskspace, but this affects login times. We're
using roaming profiles and these small files slows down the login


If you believe this to be the source of the login delays, periodically run
a script to delete the shortcuts from that folder.

Actually, from what I can tell, this should not affect login times at all,
but could affect log *off* times in certain cases. I've got roaming
profiles and folder redirection implemented on our network in a fairly
standard, microsoft-recommended config. The "My Recent Documents" folder
only gets updated when logging off, propagating files from the local machine
to the server, and only copying files missing/changed from the network
profile. If the network folder is empty (or completely different) it *will*
copy all 1000 or so shortcuts up to the network when you log off. It does
*not* do the reverse when logging in. I didn't see one right away, but if
there is a group policy to control this particular behavior, ours is not
configured. Also, as far as I know, folder redirection is not available for
this folder. I can't really think of a reason why windows copies these up to
the server other than as a backup that could be manually restored to the
local machine if some sort of disaster occurs.

For example, if the local "My Recent Documents" folder is empty when you
login, it does *not* copy any files to that directory from the network
profile folder, but again, when you log off, any shortcuts in the local
folder will be copied to the network profile location (or access time/date
will be updated if the shortcut already exists). Now if you have a user who
has been using several different machines over a period of time (or
significant use) you may get into a situation where it is copying 1000
completely different shortcuts to the network each time they log off of a
different pc.

In succession (and as the same user of course), try logging in to a couple
of different machines: access some documents, then log off and move to
another machine. Then go back to the first machine you tried. If your
network is working like mine the "My Recent Documents" folder will remain
unique for each machine, in essence showing you the most recent documents
that user accessed from *that* machine only.

In terms of disk space, my 500K of shortcuts are taking up over 5MB on disk!
If you are worried about the disk space on your server, or logoff times are
unusually long for some users, you could enable the group policy "Clear
history of recently opened documents on exit", you should then be able to
manually delete the contents of the recent documents folder on the network,
and with the policy in force, the network folder *should* stay clear.

Setting it this way will clear the recent documents area on the start menu
every time the user logs off, while still allowing it to fill up during the
current session. However the local "My Recent Documents" folder will continue
to fill up, even though the menu is being cleared.

Here's where it gets a little tricky: the recent documents folder is also
used by applications to store the "most recent" list you often find at the
bottom of the file menu. If you are worried about local disk space as well
as space on your server, you can enable the policy "Do not keep history of
recently opened documents". And windows will make sure the directory stays
empty, however this will also disable the "most recent" lists in all of your
applications as well, and personally, I *like* those. A lot. If you and
your users can do without them, then you probably want to also enable "Remove
Documents menu from Start Menu". All of the policies I have mentioned are
under "User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Start Menu and Taskbar".

On Another Note:

If you are indeed having problems with slow login times and it is on XP
machines only, check that your Windows DNS server is listed as the Primary
DNS server in your tcp/ip settings on each client. List external DNS servers
for the internet as secondaries.

Another thing that can slow down login times is failing to redirect large
folders such as My Documents and Application Data to a network share, thus
removing them from the roaming profile folder.

Hope this helps George,

John Morales
Iguana Gurus
Milwaukee, WI

Sami Kapanen

=?Utf-8?B?SWd1YW5hR3VydXM=?= said:
Now if you have a user who
has been using several different machines over a period of time (or
significant use) you may get into a situation where it is copying 1000
completely different shortcuts to the network each time they log off of a
different pc.

Which is the case in many academic/school environments ;-)

Well, I configured GroupPolicy to clear the list at log off.


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