My Pictures



XP Home SP2
guest account off,
my self,(limited,since I was told it's not good to go on line with full
and a new user I set up with full priviledges
for an emergency.
But now as a limited user,can not see my pictures
in my documents,how can I change that ?
Thanks for any help.

David Candy

Log on as an admin and give your limited account permissions to the pictures.


Thanks David,
but this lady is to dumb to even do that.
After several attempts to to change permissions
to see my pics and hear my music as a limited user,
I put my self back as an administrator.
No one ever showed me how to do this,and I hate to
pick and choose and make a mistake,which I'm sure
would happen,so I will sign in as admin.and be done with it.
I couldn't even log on as an admin. with my limited account,
had to use my other admin.account user to even get some where,
it just wouldn't let me.
Thanks for your help anyway.

David Candy

It's not good to change accounts. You should create a new linited user and transfer stuff. I never run as anything other than admin.

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