My PC can't read my MP4 Player



I have a problem reading my Generic MP4 which I bought from Hong Kong. I
tried to download some songs from my PC at home , XP Home Edition, my PC can
detect a new Hardware but can't read the files in the MP4 player therefore I
can't transfer any files at all.

I've tried downloading songs in the office and it works, no problem at all.
My office PC used XP Professional. I have tried to other computers like my
PIII laptop, a 5 years old laptop and it also works. Furhter to this, my PC
can read my camera, my handphone and other stuff, my my MP4 player it can't.

Please help.

Thanks a lot.


When you plug in your player and go to mycomputer, does it show up their...?

If it does show up, do you see any files...?

If so can you delete one file or copy and past a file from it on to the
hard drive..?

Can you just using windows copy a file and past into you mp4 player

Will you computer play any mp4 file that is stored on the hard dirve...?


Thanks Shaun, my PC can detect a new Hardware and it can show the new
Directory, "Removable Disk (E)". The problem is my PC can't read the MP4
player and I can't therefore transfer any file. If I try to drag file it says
"Error Copying File. Make Sure you Specified the Correct Path and File Name".
As mentioned earlier, I've got no problem doing this in my office computer so
I suspect some somewhere might be missing in my computer. But that I REALLY


Further to this, my MP4 works normally. I mean I can play the song that were
pre-programmed by the factory.


So you copy a file to your device, once on the device you can not read it
back without errors...?


Thanks Shaun. Sorry for not explaining too clear the problem. In a simple
term, My MP4 player can be recognized and can read by other computer except
my Home PC. Even my old PIII laptop can read it. Though, my home computer can
read other gadgets like my camera, mobile phone, etc, I'm just wondering why
this MP4 is not recognized.
Once the MP4 is plugged in the USB port, my PC can detect a new hardware but
can't show the files inside, meaning it can't read it.
Is there any missing supporting software?


Thanks Shaun. I really want to flush my firmware out. My problem is my PC can
not recognize the player at all, therefore I'm stock and can't do anything.
Need to figure out how to detect the player first before I could do anything.
It might be something to do with some software USB support. I don't know......

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