My Movie won't play



I was trying to install PapaJohns or PIP and now my movie will not play. I
have deleted those files but I still can't get the movie to play. It was
working fine this morning. I hit play and nothing happens....please help
ASAP. Thanks,


Hi.... as I don't produce a PIP package, could you provide more details
about what you were trying to install and your problems. Include what type
movie you are trying to play,and do you mean you can't preview it in Movie
Maker or play it in Windows Media Player?


I pretty much deleted everything that I was trying to install because I
couldn't get it to work. Everything was working fine out of Movie Maker until
I installed the PIP Plus Now my movie will not play in MOvie
Maker. It just shows a black screen. I can see everything at the bottom of
the screen but the bar will not move to play the movie and when I hit play it
just sits there....please help. thanks.


You should ask Rehan for help with his package.... there's a place on his
site to request it.


OK.... then describe the file type you're trying to play, the player you're
using, and any specific error messages you get.


The file type is Windows Movie Maker Project (.MSWMM) - I am running Windows
Movie Maker Version 6.0.6000.16386 and I don't get an error message. It
basically just sits there and does nothing.


That's the Vista version of Movie Maker... the newsgroup that covers it is

What version of Vista? and what are the kinds of source files you used to
make the project? Can you start a new project, put a clip or two on the
timeline, and preview it OK?

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