my machine is dying - Help me!



Ah, I am so frustrated. My system keeps crashing on start-up. I have managed
to bring-up older editions of the registry, but more problems have occurred
and now it's a mess. Problem number 1 has been replaced with Problem #2 -

(I know this forum is Win2000 - I'm just so lost, I thought maybe someone
here might have heard of this before.)
Norton Virus Scanner/utilities
ZoneAlarm Firewall

The Problem #2 - the present one.

1) machine start-up is slow
2) clicking "my computer" crashes with the message below which also occurs
if I try to open "Windows Explorer" and "Control Panel"

EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in
module SHELL32.DLL at 017f:66801af2.
EAX=00018e85 CS=017f EIP=66801af2 EFLGS=00010202
EBX=004a9a38 SS=0187 ESP=008de3fc EBP=008de410
ECX=00006552 DS=0187 ESI=66801adc FS=2a47
EDX=004c4a43 ES=0187 EDI=004abbc0 GS=261e
Bytes at CS:EIP:
66 8b 0a 66 85 c9 75 f1 c2 04 00 83 7c 24 04 00
Stack dump:
71023d25 004abbc0 00000063 0044a148 80004005 008de424 71025062 0000004e
004abbc0 00000000 008de444 710250b3 004aa688 004a9a38 0000004e 00000000

The First Major Problem
Before these problems came along, the system was crashing on start-up just
about every time with this message on the black screen:
Windows Protection Error. Restart your computer (or something along those

I would go back in Safe Mode to pull up an earlier version of the registry -
which use to work fine for awhile, but each time I restarted the machine, it
would again crash and I would have to repeat the SafeMode jounry.

I am surprised I can get online, so I came right here.

Any advice? Thanks, Jeff

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