My Icons have problems!



In my Control Panel when on Add Or Remove Programs, I
have four different versions of Delta Force installed.
The strange thing is that they all have the icons on the
wrong game.(Delta Force 2 has Delta Force Land Warrior's
icon etc.) This does not effect any game play but, I've
also noticed that some other programs in Add Or Remove
have sort of a generic icon that looks like a small
monitor with a CD in front of it. Any Ideas are apreciated


Hi Butch,

From a previous post:

Open Registry Editor and navigate to: Start/Run/Regedit
HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\<P
rogram name>

In the right-pane, create a new REG SZ (String) value named
'DisplayIcon' and assign it's value to the full path where the program's
exe file resides. [example;; C:\Program Files\AIM95\aim.exe]

Restart Add/Remove, it should now take the Program.exe's 0th icon

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