my hyperlinks don't work in Word 2003 when i open the file again



I have hyperlinks to other files set up in a Word 2003 document. This is a
training document for new employees. The files, including the How-To
document, are in the same directory. But everytime I open the How To
document and CTRL click on the hyperlink, I get a message that says the file
cannot be opened.
I edit the hyperlink, go to the correct file, save and close the document,
open it again and get the same problem.


Are you using a document management system? What is the file name of the
actual documents. I have seen this occur when there is a % in the file name.


I'm not sure what a document management system is exactly. The file name of
the actual document does not contain a % sign but when you edit the hyperlink
and look at the document name, there is one inserted in one or more places by
the computer followed by the number 20.
The documents I am linking to are on a server in a public folder, while the
original document is in my personal folder on another part of the server.


Not sure if this will help, but I had a similar problem, and found the
following to work:

File Save As
Web Options
Untoggle Update Links on Save

This stops Word from changing the links.
Hope this help.


I had the same problem unless I pressed ctrl and clicked the link it was not

But it was rectified by the following tip from ms word help:

By default, users follow— or open— hyperlinks (hyperlink: Colored and
underlined text or a graphic that you click to go to a file, a location in a
file, a Web page on the World Wide Web, or a Web page on an intranet.
Hyperlinks can also go to newsgroups and to Gopher, Telnet, and FTP sites.)
by pressing CTRL while clicking the hyperlink. If you prefer, you can follow
hyperlinks by just clicking them.

On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Edit tab.
Clear the Use CTRL+ Click to follow hyperlink check box.

Hope this might be helpful


Not sure why, but when saving a document the imbedded hyperlinks switches
from: \ to: / but Mr HAL's fix worked for me.

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