My First .NET page - Not Good


Lars Netzel

If you follow the Guide that the error message is describing for you.. you
will get the real error.

that is... change the Web.Config file.. and set the Customer Error <customErrors mode="Off"/>

I asume right now it's set to <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"/>

then.. after that, you will get to see the real error on the page!

Best greards
/Lars netzel

Kevin Spencer

I think you need to stop skipping steps. First of all, what you did with ASP
is irrelevant. Second, we have no context for your code. It looks like the
body of a function, as it returns a value. But what it returns a value TO is
unknown. Also, you neglected to mention what the error you received is.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Neither a follower
nor a lender be.

Lars Netzel

or.. well.. I guess you are sitting local and I'm remote.. sorry... please
provide the error message!


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