My Docs Hangs When Try To Open File From Within


Sarah C

As do everyday, start My Documents and then click once (active desktop) on
each of three folder names. Once in last folder and attempt to click on
either a PDF or DOC, cursor turns to hand and hangs. Can close My Docs by
clicking on "x" and then "End Now Window".

IF HOWEVER I go into Word directly, I can do File/Open and navigate
succesfully through the windows and open the file.

Decided to reboot the system and in doing so, this resolved the problem
BUT..... onde I opened in IE6 the sites open prior, and
Pandora Music the same issue occurred.

Rebooted again and without opening any of these items, again the same
hanging in My Docs direct and working fine directly within Word occurred.

All ideas appreciated,

Sarah C

PA BEAR - Below meant the entire text of this post which did not yield a
reply initially, which can occur of course, and which I reposted with a more
accurate title.

Do you have any possible resolutions for me to review.

Thank you.

Sarah C


I will try re-associating the file types although they were set and
functioning prior to this issue arising. Are you aware of anything making
the rounds that would have disassociated file types ?

Sarah C

File associations remain intact and thus does not appear to be the issue but
did want to take a look.

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