My Computer Restarts all by itself?? Help!



I could really use some help in trying to solve this problem.. I have done
just about everthing that I know that can be done. So here it is:

When I turn on the computer, the tower will start up I see the correct
lights and yada yada.. but it will not make the usual sounds. I normally will
here two beeps and I will see the Windows Operating system start on my
monitor. But what happens is no beeps and the monitor doesn't get picked up
and goes into sleep mode. So after that I turn off the tower I have to start
over.. and it is very fickle at starting up correctly. If I am lucky it will
only take 3 times of turning off and on of my computer to get the operating
system up and running. But wait there's more! When I do reach windows, it my
stay on for hours or 5 minutes. What can happen is it will either freeze and
I will have to reboot, and then start from scratch again... or it will reboot
all by itself and continue to reboot until I turn off the tower completely,
and sometimes that even happens at just trying to start it up. And all this
can happen when I am either doing nothing at all .. or talking on msn, or any
other normal functions. Once and awhile when I do reach the operating system(
which is Windows Xp Professional) I will recieve an error which says "Windows
has recovered from a serious error" and in the details of this error it tells
me two files: C:\Docume~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\WER2ebf.dir001Mini70606-01.dmp
C:\Docume~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\WER2ebf.dir001\sysdata.xml .

And I have no clue why my computer is doing this?? Please help... have
important and alot of information on that computer and would to fix it the
best that I can.

My computer is:
Windows XP Professional, with the service pack 2 and all other regular
AMD Athlon XP 2500+
1.83 GHz, 512 MB of RAM

Please Help :(


a) it sounds like you could go ahead and delete all the contents of the
"temp" folder. Anything that has been designed or sent by windows to a
"temp" folder is despensiable.

b) make sure your swap file/virtual memory is set correctly. it sounds like
you have too little or no swap file. I would set it manually to a min of 2
and max of 750

c) before you reboot i would disable all the startups in msconfig. start >
run > msconfig > startup tab > disable all

Do all of the above suggestions in safe mode....


Ok thanks I'll give that a try... so anything in the temp file I can delete
and not have to worry about losing any important or vital information that
keeps my computer running properly...???


all files vital to your o.s. is kept and maintained by windows in a variety
of ways. items in the temp folders are deleteable and won't affect your os.
however, a renegade program you installed may have utilized the temp file
to install its program. the program was poorly designed if it installed
itself into a temp directory. .... so delete away ......

what might help you is a freeware called ccleaner (crap cleaner) also, you
could download a trial software like systemmechanic and run all the services
it has, which includes finding deletable files., etc... it is more


Ok.. so I deleteled the temp files... and it is starting up properly now with
no problems... thank you..:) except now .. I'm the computers os for like 5
mins and it freezes.. and it does it every time... any ideas about this one?

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