
Joh said:
kimmy, after spending 3 minutes figuring out which end of the pen to

It would help if you were actually smarter than the keyboard you
try so hard to type with.

Joh N.

ROFL! Too True!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


RightStuff said:
Who sponsored Frisch as an MVP, that's the million dollar question?

I doubt that person would have the balls to tell us.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"

Cindy Winegarden

In news: (e-mail address removed),
RightStuff said:
Who sponsored ... an MVP, that's the million dollar question?

To my knowledge MVP's aren't "sponsored" as such. There are many ways that
those who provide peer-to-peer support can come to the attention of those at
Microsoft who choose candidates to be awarded.

Don Burnette

kurttrail said:
LOL! You think all MVP's are good? Just like every group of humans
there are good and bad in every bunch. Too bad you are so moronic
that you are unable to differeniate between them.

Did I say that? Can you show me where I said " All MVP's are good"?
Ok cottontail, let's try a littele reading comprehension shall we? I am sure
your english teacher in school would be pleased if you put forth just a
little effort.
I said I would take them over those that promote lies and piracy any day.
Pretty simple. Even a petty crook ought to be able to understand that

Whether any of the MVP's that post here are bad, I don't know. I do know,
they take their own valuable time, to try and help folks in these peer to
peer help forums.
You can't hold a candle to any of them.

Don Burnette

PMSL! said:
If you really tought I was deranged, you wouldn't be talking about me
like that! <VBEG>> I and I'm sure many others, have "plonked" him.

Oh, have ya now?

Quickest cut & paste artist north of the Rio Grande! Hell, half of
the time, he sends answers before he even reads the posts! He just
that fast! Our SuperCarey, MS-MVP!

Head and shoulders above your sorry self.
He commands much more respect in these forums, than you will ever get in a

You are really jealous of him aren't you?? Careful, your buddy might get
jealous as well.

Don Burnette

once a crook, always a crook.
We, the software buyers, ultimately pay the price, for those that would
steal and promote piracy.
I say, to (*&^ with them. I am sick and tired of their pathetic little
excuses to try and justify their thievery, that WE pay for.

Don Burnette

kurttrail said:
I doubt that person would have the balls to tell us.

Hmm, again, your fascination for the male body is , well, strange.
You are revealing yourself more and more there cotton.

Don Burnette

Joh said:
kimmy, after spending 3 minutes figuring out which end of the pen to

It would help if you were actually smarter than the keyboard you
try so hard to type with.

Joh N.

Now there you go, resort to insults. All you know how to do. Your posting id
may change, but you are one and the same. Very obvious.
Cotton will comfort your sorry self.
You have no more brains that an 8 year old at best.
Now be a good little boy, take your medicine, and try not to wet the bed.

Wow, resorting to cotton's and joh n's level is kinda fun.
Enough of that though, these forums don't need to be wasted with crap like
Cotton, Joh n , keep each other warm K?
Nighty night.

Don Burnette

kurttrail said:
ROFL! Too True!

Would you please keep the displays of affection for each other to
yourselves, say private email?????
Not everyone wants to see that displayed in public.
Do y'all go to the same grade school by chance?


kimmy said:
Between this sort of junk and people responding to the maniac Kurt, this
group is practically unreadable.

Then please learn how to adjust your browser settings. You might have to
call in a tech to help you out. Good luck.


Don said:
Did I say that? Can you show me where I said " All MVP's are good"?
Ok cottontail, let's try a littele reading comprehension shall we? I
am sure your english teacher in school would be pleased if you put
forth just a little effort.
I said I would take them over those that promote lies and piracy any
day. Pretty simple. Even a petty crook ought to be able to understand
that surely!!!

Oh well, some morons cannot follow a conversation. "You think all MVP's are
good?" It was a question, numbnuts, not a statement. Effin' clueless
Whether any of the MVP's that post here are bad, I don't know. I do
know, they take their own valuable time, to try and help folks in
these peer to peer help forums.
You can't hold a candle to any of them.

How do you know that some of them wouldn't like a little hot wax? ;-)

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


Don said:
Head and shoulders above your sorry self.
He commands much more respect in these forums, than you will ever get
in a lifetime.

You are really jealous of him aren't you?? Careful, your buddy might
get jealous as well.

Actually it sounds as if you are jealous of my "buddy!"

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


Don said:
Hmm, again, your fascination for the male body is , well, strange.
You are revealing yourself more and more there cotton.

Get some balls moron! Call me a fag! I couldn't care less. There is
absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


Don said:
Would you please keep the displays of affection for each other to
yourselves, say private email?????
Not everyone wants to see that displayed in public.
Do y'all go to the same grade school by chance?


Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


Don said:
scum.kurtrail is much more true, true synonyms.

Whatever dude. You are worse than some people say I am. I think you are
showing your true colors with last bout of posts. Thanks!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"

Cindy Winegarden

In [email protected],
Plato said:
In other words, MVPs do receive payment in the form of free MS
software. Thanks for makiing that clear to the readers here.

No, It's absolutely not a payment. When you buy your mother a birthday gift
are you paying her?

Joh N.

Don Burnette, after spending 3 minutes figuring out which end of the pen to use,
Did I say that? Can you show me where I said " All MVP's are good"?
Ok cottontail, let's try a littele reading comprehension shall we? I am sure
your english teacher in school would be pleased if you put forth just a
little effort.
I said I would take them over those that promote lies and piracy any day.

Yes, which means you must think no mvp *ever* has downloaded music illegally,
you idiotic tree stump.
Pretty simple. Even a petty crook ought to be able to understand that

So why don't you understand?
Whether any of the MVP's that post here are bad, I don't know. I do know,
they take their own valuable time, to try and help folks in these peer to
peer help forums.
You can't hold a candle to any of them.

Those wild tangents you run off on...must be those deep seated troubles that
keep slipping into your reality. Ask your shrinks at the looney bin to work
harder on you.

Joh N.

Joh N.

Don Burnette, after spending 3 minutes figuring out which end of the pen to use,
Head and shoulders above your sorry self.

Says LMAO!
He commands much more respect in these forums, than you will ever get in a

Says (still LMAO)
You are really jealous of him aren't you?? Careful, your buddy might get
jealous as well.

Jealous of who? Carey? ROFLMAO! Are you stupid or something?

Joh N.

Joh N.

Don Burnette, after spending 3 minutes figuring out which end of the pen to use,
Hmm, again, your fascination for the male body is , well, strange.
You are revealing yourself more and more there cotton.

Just because you're stuck in a looney bin and see shrinks all the time,
doesn't mean you can practice armchair psychiatry you moron.

Joh N.

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