Music Folder



It's a small prblem but quite annoying. My Music Folder is missing the Folder
Icon. When I go to My Documents, My Music just looks like a regular document.
Went to properties and all and it didn't work. Any help? Thanks in advance.



When you said you went to Properties and all, did you mean you went to
Customize Icon and tried a different Icon and it still didn't work?
Go to Restore and look at your restore points and what was the last one
that was saved? what tasks were done to create the save point? Start with
that info to see what may have changed the folder.


Ya. And about the Restore Point - the icon was gone a looong time ago so
that won't work.


Thanks. It worked. Is there a way to fix the My Music folder in that Start

Keith Miller MVP said:
Start -> Run

type the following:

rundll32 mydocs.dll,PerUserInit

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

Adrian said:
It's a small prblem but quite annoying. My Music Folder is missing the Folder
Icon. When I go to My Documents, My Music just looks like a regular document.
Went to properties and all and it didn't work. Any help? Thanks in advance.


Keith Miller MVP

Are you saying the icon for 'My Music' in the Start Panel is still generic? Logging off & logging
back on should fix that. If not, refresh your icon cache via 'Display Properties' -> 'Appearance'
tab -> 'Advanced' button -> Item: Icon. Change the size up or down one pixel, apply changes, then
change it back.

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

Adrian said:
Thanks. It worked. Is there a way to fix the My Music folder in that Start

Keith Miller MVP said:
Start -> Run

type the following:

rundll32 mydocs.dll,PerUserInit

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

Adrian said:
It's a small prblem but quite annoying. My Music Folder is missing the Folder
Icon. When I go to My Documents, My Music just looks like a regular document.
Went to properties and all and it didn't work. Any help? Thanks in advance.


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