Multithreaded Panel Visiblility



Hi everyone,
I've got myself a C# .NET 1.1 application I'm making where a docked
Panel that contains some progress bars etc. is being toggled between
Visible and not. Basically a user drags some photos into the window and
it activates a background thread that shows the panel, does some work,
and hides it again. If this is not in a separate thread, it works! I've
tried doing a manual Update(), and PerformLayout() calls, but nothing
works. The thread work happens, but the panel never shows. I've also
tried Application.DoEvents().

private void itemImages_DragDrop(object sender,
System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e) {
ArrayList formats = new ArrayList(e.Data.GetFormats());

//imageImportFiles =

imageImportThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.importImages));

private void importImages(){
imageImportPanel.Visible = true;
imageLoadProgress.Maximum = imageImportFiles.Count;
imageLoadProgress.Value = 0;

ArrayList imageFiles = new ArrayList();

foreach(string filePath in imageImportFiles){
importDirectory(filePath, imageFiles);

imageLoadProgress.Maximum = imageFiles.Count;
imageLoadProgress.Value = 0;

foreach(string filePath in imageFiles){
string label = getFileName(filePath);
Image img;
int imgId;
ListViewItem item;

imageImportStatus.Text = String.Format("Importing {0}... ({1} of
label, imageLoadProgress.Value+1, imageLoadProgress.Maximum);


img = Image.FromFile(filePath);

imgId = itemImageList.Images.Add(img, Color.Transparent);
item = itemImages.Items.Add(label, imgId);

imageImportPanel.Visible = false;

Andrew Smith \(Infragistics\)

You're not supposed to interact with objects on the ui thread from a
background thread. You should make calls back into the ui thread using a
control's Invoke or BeginInvoke method and interact with the controls from
there. Also, I'd recommend avoiding DoEvents calls since that can lead to
re-entrancy issues, etc. You might want to check a couple of ms articles on
safely marshalling from a background thread to the ui thread.

Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

I've got myself a C# .NET 1.1 application I'm making where a docked
Panel that contains some progress bars etc. is being toggled between
Visible and not. Basically a user drags some photos into the window and
it activates a background thread that shows the panel, does some work,
and hides it again. If this is not in a separate thread, it works! I've
tried doing a manual Update(), and PerformLayout() calls, but nothing
works. The thread work happens, but the panel never shows. I've also
tried Application.DoEvents().


You need to follow the golden rules of WinForms threading: don't access
the UI on the wrong thread.


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