Multiselect Listbox/ command button



I have a multiselect listbox where users can select different options that
will eventually be graphed. There's is no code for the list options. I used
the properties boxes for the listbox. I want the user to be able to press a
command button after they've finished their selections to graph what they've
selected. Will I need to create a list for the listbox using VB and if so how
do I do that.

Then what code do I use to get the command button to know which items the
user selected?


If the user is making selections in the listbox, then it must already have a

for the commandbutton

With Listbox1
for i = 0 to .Listcount - 1
if .Selected(i) then
msgbox .List(i) & " is selected"
end if
End With


Thanks for the reply, but that's not quite what I was looking for. I want it
to graph their selections. I know I will have to hide the rows I'm just not
sure how to word it to where it will hide all the data except the selections
they made from the box.

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