Multiple Users on Same Desktop



I have Windows XP Professional setup with multiple users
(me, my wife and daughter). The only problem is that I
want us all to use the same basic desktop. When I
install software, it is sometimes not available to the
other users.

Similarly, we all now have our own "Documents folder" and
this creates problems when I am looking for a file that
may have been created when my wife or daughter was logged

Other software often updates multiple times as apparently
my virus definition files and even Windows updates do not
get shared across the users.

Also, programs such as Outlook keep different information
depending on who is logged on. When I add things to my
calendar or names to my address book, they are not
accessible in Outlook to my wife unless she logs in as me.

What I would like to do is set up XP to handle multiple
users but keep most of the information common so that we
are sharing the same programs. Obviously I would prefer
to keep internet Favorites and such separate, but at this
point, I am willing to sacrifice that for the convenience
of sharing the other information.

Thanks in advance.



This is why I never set up any of my machines with multiple identities,
logons or accounts. The idea looks good on paper but is a nightmare in
practice. You will note that there are numerous posts regarding just the
type of problem you are experiencing. I don't have any answers for you, the
old-timers here may be able to help you out, some of them are pretty sharp.
If it were me, I would ditch the multiple user accounts.


It takes some discipline in saving documents to the correct place, but you
can see 'Joe's Docs', 'Jill's Docs', & 'Shared Docs' from 'My Computer' on
the start menu.

Most importantly though for applications is that when you install an
application that you want all users to use, you MUST install it when logged
on as the Administrator. Even though you have administrative priviledges,
you don't cause changes to other user's information. If you are actually
logged on as the user NAMED "Administrator", installations will effect all
users profiles, shortcuts will be placed on all users desktops, start menus,
etc. etc.

I struggled with this for some time, because I initially set myself up as an
administrator - now as soon as you set up a user with administrator
priviledges (and it makes you do that the first one), XP doesn't show
'Administrator' on the cute welcome screen - so for some time I would switch
to the logon from the welcome screen to the normal mode where you can type
in 'Administrator'. Then I downloaded an executable that made the
'Administrator' show up on the wecome screen with it's own picture. You'll
have to do your own search to find such an executable - sorry, can't
remember where I got it.

a nonymous

| I downloaded an executable that made the
| 'Administrator' show up on the wecome screen with its own picture.

TweakUI for XP
[Y] Show "Administrator" on Welcome screen

If TweakUI is not installed on your system, then download it from
Note: V2.10.0.0 needs at least Windows XP SP 1

If you do not have SP1, the earlier version of TweakUI can be found at

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