Multiple Text files into one worksheet-need help



I have multiple text files that I want to load into a microsoft excel
spread sheet. Here is how it goes, I have four folders each contains
about 20 data sets. I will have more, is there any way I can write a
macro to load these text files starting at row 19 into one worksheet.
Each data set contains two columns and about 250 rows. The file names
in a folder go up by experiment and number so it goes emi1.txt,
emi2.txt....then emi(2)1.txt, emi(2)2.txt and so on and so forth. If I
can even load one folder at a time that would be great, I tried
recording a macro but I would have to copy and paste and change the
file name and target cell over 60 times. Is there anyway I can do this
easily, and if possible have the filename be located on the first row?



In another forum I found this macro and I don't know if it will work
for what I want to do but I thought someone who has a little more
expertise might know.


Sub opentext()

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To 10000

Workbooks.opentext Filename:="D:\VB\10000" & i & ".out", _ /The text
file can be name as 10001, 10002,....
Origin:=xlMSDOS, _
StartRow:=1, _
DataType:=xlDelimited, _
ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, _

Next i

End Sub

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