Multiple Print areas in same sheet?



I need to create a number of print areas in the same sheet within my
spreadsheet. Just to clarify, on sheet1 I need 3 different print areas that I
can access by using the box at the top left, and I also want to be able to
print them directly (via the print icon) as opposed to using

Any ideas?




by default, you can only have 1 print area at a time per sheets. but you can
do what you want. just write a print macro which you can do on record. for
each print area you wish, while on record, set the print are, headers and
footer is needed. do this for each area of the sheet that you wish to print.
this way you could assgn each print macro to a button or all macros to the
same button.



Enzo said:
I need to create a number of print areas in the same sheet within my
spreadsheet. Just to clarify, on sheet1 I need 3 different print areas that I
can access by using the box at the top left, and I also want to be able to
print them directly (via the print icon) as opposed to using

Any ideas?



Look at the "Custom Views" topic in the Help.

"Views" allow you to setup multiple ways of seeing and printing your

Dave Peterson

Select your areas on your worksheet (they can be discontiguous), then
file|printarea|Set print area

Be aware that when you print this kind of discontiguous range, each area in the
print range will start on a new piece of paper.

Jim May

In 2003 there is the ability to Copy a range, then BEFORE Pasting it to a
centralized Print area,, hold down the shift key and click on the Edit menu
and select "Paste-Picture-Link"
Continue to Copy and Paste_Picture-Link to accumulate all your ranges on the
one sheet (for printing);
Changing the original data (whereever it is) immediately
changes your linked Print area.

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