Multiple Postbacks with DropDown list

  • Thread starter Patrick Olurotimi Ige
  • Start date

Patrick Olurotimi Ige

Populating some Data to a DropDown control (after postback)i would like
to display the result in a TextBox
and if possible be able to EDIT and Update the Data populated..

What i really want to do is depending on the user i would like to
populate some number code to a DropDown control and selecting one of the
number code do a postback to the server and retrieve some data abd
Display them in a TextBox which would be Editable..

Any idea appreciated

Paul Glavich [MVP ASP.NET]

If I understand you correctly, simply supply some server code for the
selectedIndexChanged event for the drop down list that will populate the
textbox field and allow editiing. Set the AutoPostback property to true.

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