Multiple Pictures in Record



I am building an Access database and I want to associate multiple pictures
with each record. When I input the record, I would like to select a range
of pictures that should be associated with that record. Then when I view
the record, I would like to hit a button that brings me to a picture view
and allows me to page through the pictures for that record. Is there an
easy way to do this?


-- Frank


you can't put the pictures in the record but you can put
the picture's file paths in the record possibly 1 field
for each path.
to "page through" the pictures, your code would simple
change the immage control's picture property to the
different file paths. with multiple pics you may need an
if then else or select case.


I am looking at the same issue and have tried setting the pictures up as
filmstrip in powerpoint and then point to powerpoint as an ole object within
the record. This does work, but I have not been able to set it up to run in a
bound frame within a form. I don't know if this is the most efficient way to
do this, but a start.


I have a similar situation with between 1 and 5 pictures for a particular
record. Originally in A2K3, there is an easy way to do this as shown in
Northwind sample database. However when the database needed to work in
runtime this didn't work. I chose to add a hyperlink to the form. The
hyperlink opens the same folder for all photos, and users have to navigate to
the folder and picture they want. This would be acceptable except that
everytime the hyperlink is clicked on all 10 computers tried this far, a
dire warning message that opening hyperlinks is dangerous comes up every
single time the hperlink is clicked, then OK has to be clicked before the
folder with the pictures opens.
Any other suggestions would be welcome.

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