Multiple multilevel lists in one document?



I am fairly au fait with Listgalleries etc. in Word97 but now have
Word 2007 and am trying to create a template for use in a legal firm.

Using ListStyles I can create the first numbering scheme I need which
has a bolded level 1 heading and non-bolded levels 2-5, and I know how
to use the remaining 4 levels to create a different 4 level schema -
but I really need to be able to put more than one schema into the same

If I define the ListStyles and then associate different style names
would that work? so far it doesn't seem to but maybe I am doing
something wrong? I know enough VBA to be able to define the styles
etc. programmatically if that helps.

So the levels look like this.

1. Level 1 which is bold
1.1 Level 2
1.1.1 Level 3
(a) Level 4
(i) Level 5

then I also need to have

1 Non-bolded Level 1
1.1 same as previous Level 2
1.1.1 same as previous Level 3
(a) same as previous Level 4
(i) same as previous Level 5

and I need Background which is:

(A) Level 1
(a) Level 2
(i) Level 3

and Parties which are:

(1) Level 1
(a) Level 2
(i) Level 3

So by my count I need 16 levels! and only 9 are available if you can't
have more than one ListStyle operating in a document at a time.

Would section breaks make a difference?


Stefan Blom

You can create as many list styles as you like, via Home tab | Multilevel
List | Define New List Style.

After you've created the styles, they will show up under the "List Styles"
heading at Home tab | Multilevel List. You can click a list style to apply
numbering to text, but since you are attaching paragraph styles to the list
style, you'll find it easier to apply the paragraph style directly.

To edit an existing style, right-click its icon, and choose Modify from the
context menu. This displays a dialog box similar to the Customize Outline
Numbered List dialog of previous versions of Word (for more on the options
in the dialog, see

Section breaks have no effect on list numbering in Word.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message


You can create as many list styles as you like, via Home tab | Multilevel
List | Define New List Style.

After you've created the styles, they will show up under the "List Styles"
heading at Home tab | Multilevel List. You can click a list style to apply
numbering to text, but since you are attaching paragraph styles to the list
style, you'll find it easier to apply the paragraph style directly.

To edit an existing style, right-click its icon, and choose Modify from the
context menu. This displays a dialog box similar to the Customize Outline
Numbered List dialog of previous versions of Word (for more on the options
in the dialog, see

Section breaks have no effect on list numbering in Word.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
Thanks Stefan

I sort of understood that, but when I tried it yesterday as soon as I
chose the level 1 from my second list style all the previously styled
paragraphs that were styled with the first list style changed to match
the second list style.

Thinking about it that is presumably because I had attached the same
paragraphs to the same levels
e.g. Level 1 Liststyle 1 was attached to 'Heading 1' as was Level 1
Liststyle 2

I thought that because the text was formatted using a different
Liststyle the features of the Liststyle would be retained. Now I am
thinking that actually I need to define my own custom paragraph styles
- one for each level of each Liststyle e.g. Heading Bold 1 which would
be attached to Liststyle 1 level 1 and Heading Non-Bold 1 which would
be attached to Liststyle 2 Level 1

Then I am hoping that I can have some paragraphs which are Heading
Bold 1 and some which are Heading Non-Bold 1 - and that within those
the sub-levels will only change number when the relevant top level
does. e.g. I can have Heading Bold 2 which is defined in Liststyle 1
to change when Heading Bold 1 changes and Heading Non-Bold 2 which is
defined in Liststyle 2 to change when Heading Non-Bold 1 changes???

At the moment haven't had a chance to test this theory - I suspect it
won't work though, but it might not be a problem as the document would
be all Heading Bold headings down to a certain point, and then all
Heading Non-Bold headings from then on so a restart numbering would
work as long as the paragraph formatting of each level is retained.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Yes, each multi-level list must be linked to a different set of styles. And
keep in mind that only Word's built-in heading styles are suitable for
certain applications; see

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

You can create as many list styles as you like, via Home tab | Multilevel
List | Define New List Style.

After you've created the styles, they will show up under the "List Styles"
heading at Home tab | Multilevel List. You can click a list style to apply
numbering to text, but since you are attaching paragraph styles to the
style, you'll find it easier to apply the paragraph style directly.

To edit an existing style, right-click its icon, and choose Modify from
context menu. This displays a dialog box similar to the Customize Outline
Numbered List dialog of previous versions of Word (for more on the options
in the dialog,

Section breaks have no effect on list numbering in Word.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
Thanks Stefan

I sort of understood that, but when I tried it yesterday as soon as I
chose the level 1 from my second list style all the previously styled
paragraphs that were styled with the first list style changed to match
the second list style.

Thinking about it that is presumably because I had attached the same
paragraphs to the same levels
e.g. Level 1 Liststyle 1 was attached to 'Heading 1' as was Level 1
Liststyle 2

I thought that because the text was formatted using a different
Liststyle the features of the Liststyle would be retained. Now I am
thinking that actually I need to define my own custom paragraph styles
- one for each level of each Liststyle e.g. Heading Bold 1 which would
be attached to Liststyle 1 level 1 and Heading Non-Bold 1 which would
be attached to Liststyle 2 Level 1

Then I am hoping that I can have some paragraphs which are Heading
Bold 1 and some which are Heading Non-Bold 1 - and that within those
the sub-levels will only change number when the relevant top level
does. e.g. I can have Heading Bold 2 which is defined in Liststyle 1
to change when Heading Bold 1 changes and Heading Non-Bold 2 which is
defined in Liststyle 2 to change when Heading Non-Bold 1 changes???

At the moment haven't had a chance to test this theory - I suspect it
won't work though, but it might not be a problem as the document would
be all Heading Bold headings down to a certain point, and then all
Heading Non-Bold headings from then on so a restart numbering would
work as long as the paragraph formatting of each level is retained.


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