multiple images in one powerpoint slide




How can I insert multiple images in one powerpoint slide, and when the presentation is shown, scrolling the mouse can navigate between the images. Thanks a lot!


Hi David,

Can you be a little more specific?
You can insert as many images as you want on a slide and then when you show
the slide show move your mouse pointer all over the slide so I'm confused
about what you're trying to do.


David said:

How can I insert multiple images in one powerpoint slide, and when the
presentation is shown, scrolling the mouse can navigate between the images.
Thanks a lot!


Hi David,
Have you tried custom animations? Click on any image, right click and
select custom animations.


David said:
Hi Glenna,

Thank you a lot for your help!

For example, I can insert multiple images in one PowerPoint slide. The
images are organized as a stack of images, i.e. the early inserted images
are covered by later covered images. Then, I press F5 to show the
presentation. Only the top most image on the image stack is shown for that
slide. The Page Up, Page Down key and the mouse scrolling can only switch
between slides. So I want to find out a way to help user navigate between
the images on the image stack. For example, mouse scrolling or define a
button in the slide and when user click the button, it can change the order
of the image stack. Thanks!


Hi Glenna

Thank you a lot! I tried custom animation of pictures. It is just what I want. Here I have another question: how can I add custom animation to the pictures from my code? Because I have a lot of images to insert and add effect. I don't want to do it manually. I tried the Record Macro tool of PowerPoint, but it seems it does not record anything related to the add animation part. So how can I add animation from my code?

thank you a lot!


Thanks a lot! That is exactly what I need. Now I have another question. I tried to program user C++ instead of VB to set the animation properties of each image. Here is part of my code

// Get DISPID for the AnimationSettings method in Shape objec
szFunction = OLESTR("AnimationSettings")
hr = pDispShape->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &szFunction, 1, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispid_ShpAnimSet)
// Invoke the AnimationSettings method in Shape objec
hr = pDispShape->Invoke(dispid_ShpAnimSet, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &dpNoArgs, &vResult, &excep, NULL)

if(FAILED(hr)) PPTErrHandler(hr, excep);

// Get IDispatch* for the AnimationSettings objec
pDispAnimation = vResult.pdispVal

// Get DISPID for the Animate method on AnimationSettings objec
szFunction = OLESTR("Animate")
hr = pDispAnimation->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &szFunction, 1, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispid_AnimAnimate)

// Prepare parameters for AnimationOrder metho
VARIANT vArgsAnm[1];

vArgsAnm[0].vt = VT_I4; // Parameter type: lon
vArgsAnm[0].lVal = -1; // Animate = MsoTriState:msoTru

dpAnm.cArgs = 1; // Function takes 1 parameters
dpAnm.cNamedArgs = 0
dpAnm.rgvarg = vArgsAnm

// Invoke the TextLevelEffect method on AnimationSettings objec
hr = pDispAnimation->Invoke(dispid_AnimAnimate, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &dpAnm, &vResult, &excep, NULL)

The program always fail the last statement with error message: Member not found. Do you know what's wrong with my last statement? Thank you!

David M. Marcovitz

Sorry, whatever (limited) expertise I have in programming PowerPoint is
with VBA. Perhaps someone else can help you with C++.

David M. Marcovitz, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_


Thanks anyway! And some addition to my code. I tried two different parameters of my last call

1) hr = pDispAnimation->Invoke(dispid_AnimAnimate, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &dpAnm, &vResult, &excep, NULL)

The forthe parameter is: DISPATCH_METHOD. The error message is: Member not found

2) hr = pDispAnimation->Invoke(dispid_AnimAnimate, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, &dpAnm, &vResult, &excep, NULL)

The forthe parameter is: DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT. The error message is: Parameter not found

Can anyone help me find out what the problem is? Thanks a lot

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