Multiple email addresses



I have 2 separate email addresses (one with my previous internet service
provider and one with my current internet service provider). I am wondering
how do I set outlook up so that i can receive all emails sent to both
addresses via office outlook 2007? Is this possible?

Vince Averello

You can setup multiple POP3 mail accounts in Outlook so as long as you still
have access to the other mailbox this shouldn't be an issues


Yes i can still log into and receive mail from both email addresses by
checking the isp's website but how do i go about receiving themn using


debz_w69 said:
Yes i can still log into and receive mail from both email addresses by
checking the isp's website but how do i go about receiving themn using

Tools-Account Settings and enter the information there


I have entered the details for both accounts but i am still unable to
retrieve the emails using outlook, they are still accessible only through the
isp's websites. Please help!!


debz_w69 said:
I have entered the details for both accounts but i am still unable to
retrieve the emails using outlook, they are still accessible only through
isp's websites. Please help!!

And what ISP is this? Have you tried using the "Test Account Settings"
function in the Email Account Setup screen?


The older email address is with with freeserve (now taken over by orange) and
the more recent is with sky. I have tested the "test account settings" for
both email addresses and they both send/ receive fine but yet i still cannot
receive anything via outlook, they are only being delivered the the orange/
sky websites when i log in to check my email. Any other suggestions?


debz_w69 said:
The older email address is with with freeserve (now taken over by orange)
the more recent is with sky. I have tested the "test account settings"
both email addresses and they both send/ receive fine but yet i still
receive anything via outlook, they are only being delivered the the
sky websites when i log in to check my email. Any other suggestions?

Do you need to tell Sky/Orange that you want to receive email via POP? (You
have to do this for Yahoo and GMail so I wouldn't be surprised if these do
as well).
It'll be in the Settings somewhere.


Gordon said:
Do you need to tell Sky/Orange that you want to receive email via POP?
(You have to do this for Yahoo and GMail so I wouldn't be surprised if
these do as well).
It'll be in the Settings somewhere.

And yes I am correct certainly about Sky. You need to go to Mail Settings
and click on POP/Forwarding to set up POP access. Looks just like GMail - I
wonder why?

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