Multiple Email Address Change



How could I change the email addresses of a company for all of its contacts?
The company was acquired and the email addresses have been changed so I would
like to do this in a group fashion if I can.

I have about 800 contacts whose company portion of the address has changed.
So I would like to see if it can be done as a global replacement or not.

Welcome to all suggestions, please.


"EditContacts" ? Could you be more specific? How would you edit a group of
800 contacts as one time? I do not want to do it one by one if I don't have

Peter Marchert said:
You can try "EditContacts":


Peter Marchert
[EDP-Service Marchert]
Programming for Excel and Outlook

How could I change the email addresses of a company for all of its contacts?
The company was acquired and the email addresses have been changed so I would
like to do this in a group fashion if I can.

I have about 800 contacts whose company portion of the address has changed.
So I would like to see if it can be done as a global replacement or not.

Welcome to all suggestions, please.

Peter Marchert

"EditContacts" ? Could you be more specific? How would you edit a group of
800 contacts as one time? I do not want to do it one by one if I don't have

Please follow the link I posted and you will find an add-in for
Outlook which will do the job for you.


Peter Marchert

Please follow the link I posted and you will find an add-in for
Outlook which will do the job for you.

If you don`t want to use a third party software you can also export
your contacts to excel, search and replace the domain, and import them
to Outlook again. But the tool will be the recommended way.


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