Multiple Columns in a Simple Report


Rich N

This is probably so simple, but I can't figure it out. I
have a report that I want to print out in 2 columns on 1
page, but with each column having its respective label
over it. The labels are in the "page header" section.
Should they be in a "section header" or something similar
(and if so, how do I create this, now that the report has
already been created?)

Marshall Barton

Rich said:
This is probably so simple, but I can't figure it out. I
have a report that I want to print out in 2 columns on 1
page, but with each column having its respective label
over it. The labels are in the "page header" section.
Should they be in a "section header" or something similar
(and if so, how do I create this, now that the report has
already been created?)

You need to make the Page Header section wide enough to
contain two sets of labels. To do this, use the File - Page
Setup - Columns menu item to uncheck the little box for
Column Width - Same as Detail, then enter the column width
manually. Now you can make the report design area wider and
add a second set of labels to the page header.


-----Original Message-----

You need to make the Page Header section wide enough to
contain two sets of labels. To do this, use the File - Page
Setup - Columns menu item to uncheck the little box for
Column Width - Same as Detail, then enter the column width
manually. Now you can make the report design area wider and
add a second set of labels to the page header.
So simple, how did I miss that! Thanks a lot.

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