Multicolumn ListBox in Userforms (selecting specific rows)




Can someone please help me with a problem that I've with Userforms and

The problem is that I've a multicolumn listbox loaded in a userform
(multipage control) and depending on option buttons (or other
controls) I would like to select some rows so I can manipulate them in
the next tab of the multipage control.

My code for a command button that selects all the rows is the

Private Sub cbAll_Click()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To lbSales.ListCount - 1
lbSales.Selected(i) = True
Next i
End Sub

However I would like to select all the rows that have a particular
value (ie ">1000" in column 4) in one of the columns of the listbox.

Can anyone help me?
Many thanks

Tom Ogilvy

Private Sub cbAll_Click()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To lbSales.ListCount - 1
if isnumeric(lbSales.List(i,3)) then
if cdbl(lbSales.List(i,3)) > 1000 then
lbSales.Selected(i) = True
end if
end if
Next i
End Sub

or do you mean it literally has the string ">1000"

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