Multi-user question



I have a form for updating a table (the form is bound to the table). If 2
people are doing that at the same time I have some questions.

1) Do they each get their own copy of the form? So can one person change
record 5 while the other person changes record 25 ?

2) If they both try to change record 35 at the same time what will happen?
Do I need to set up record locking? How do I do that?

Thanks for any help on this.


Firstly the database should be split into separate front and back end
files, the former containing the forms, reports, queries etc, the
latter containing only the tables. The front end contains links to
the tables. If its not split already the built in database splitter
wizard will do it for you.

A separate copy of the front end file is installed on each user's
local machine, the back end file is installed in a shared folder on a
server. You can use the built in linked table manager to refresh the
links to the back end when installing the front ends on the local
machines if they do not map to the location of the back end.

What happens when two or more users try to edit the same record
depends on the locking strategy you use. It used to be recommended
that 'optimistic locking' was used by setting the form's RecordLocks
property to 'No Locks'. This was because at one time Access locked
not only the current record being edited, but the whole page so
contiguous records on the page were also locked. Nowadays Access
supports true record locking, so the recommended strategy is
'pessimistic locking' by setting the form's RecordLocks property to
'Edited Record'. With this, once one user begins to edit a record,
other users can't do so until the amended record has been saved. The
symbol on the form's record selector with change from the usual pencil
to a diagonally barred circle to show the user the record is locked,
so its important to show the record selector on the form.

If optimistic locking (No Locks) is used then two or more users can
edit a record simultaneously, but if one user then saves their
changes, when the other user tries to save theirs they'll be warned
that another user has changed the record and given the opportunity to
abandon their own changes or overwrite the other users', copying their
own changes to the clipboard while they view the other users'. As I
said above, however, this strategy is not generally recommended these

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England



Thanks for taking the time for that clear explanation. I set the form to
the editing record property and hopefully that will prevent any issues.

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