multi sheet lookup with multiple results


Alec H


I am trying (unsuccessfully) to create a lookup sheet in a workbook.
The data that the user will lookup is stored on 2 sheets within the
workbook. They are;

1 - A Customer List that simply lists Company Name, Address, contact
details etc.

2 - An enquiry List that lists any enquiries recieved from customers.

There is a common field in the 2 lists of a unique customer number.

I have encountered 2 problems that are confusing me at the moment.

Problem 1 - How do I create a dropdown list on my new lookup sheet that
shows The Company name (the way that a user will search) on a different
sheet to the data? If I try and use Validation/List it tells me that
the list has to be on the same sheet as the lookup cell.

Problem 2 - Once the correct customer has been selected how do I get a
list of all enquiries (there may be several) relating to them to appear
on the lookup sheet. I have been dabbling with vlookup but without much



For Problem 1: Give the range a name (Insert|Name|Define... or select
the range, go to the Name Box -left of the formula bar- and type its
name). Then, in the DV dialog box, for the range enter:
=the name you have chosen

Problem 2:
This is a typical case for a filter, Autofilter or Advanced
(Data|Filter). However, it can also be done with formulas:
Assuming your enquiries occupy columns A:B, A:A contains the customer
key and B contains the enquiry. Then, in your new sheet, assuming the
cust.code has been selected in A1, and you want the enquiries to appear
in B1:Bwhatever, you can use:

in B1:

in B2:

-These are both *array formulas*. They must be committed with
-Change the ranges Sheet1!B1:B1000, Sheet1!A1:A1000 to whatever sizes
-Copy the formula in B2 long enough so that there will always be enough
formula cells for your enquiries.

Kostis Vezerides

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