Multi-Select from a List Box



I am attempting to create a database for personnel training records for the
fire department I'm on.

In our training, one training session will have several participants, and
several pieces of apparatus; in the form I've created for the input of data,
I have two multiselect listboxes, one for personnel present, and one for
apparatus used. When inputting information, I can select multiple entries in
both of these list boxes, but only one (or none) will show up in the table
the form is gathering data for.

The names/apparatus info come from lists in separate tables.

How do I go about being able to display/record multiple pieces of
information from these listboxes?

Thanks in advance; I've always found these discussion groups helpful in the


Brian Bastl


seems to me that you'll need separate tables for this.

Main Form based on tblTrainingSessions

SubForm based on tblPersonnelInTrainingSession

SubForm based on tblApparatusInTrainingSession

To view the aggregated data, create a main report based on
tblTrainingSessions, and sub-reports for tblPersonnelInTrainingSession and


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