multi listbox or continuous form



Greetings. I am caught in a dillemma on how to proceed. The db is one in
which client info is kept. Each client can have multiple jurisdictions (u.s.
states and some international locations) they do business in. My first
thought was to have a multi select listbox with all the jurisdictions listed.
The user selects all the jurisdictions necessary and would then use a button
to put the selected into the table. But, I can not have all the
jurisdictions in one table field as some reports will ask for clients located
in a certain jurisdiction. So each selection needs to be separated on the
table. I have thought about using a combobox in a continuous form but many
of the users did not like that idea. All of this would be on one form.
As for the listbox, if anyone has done something similar or knows where to
find an example, please let me know.
Also, I am open to other thoughts and ideas of allowing the selection of the
different jurisdictions. And, again, if there is an example please let me
Thanks to anyone who responds.
*** John


Hopefully you have you tables structured like:

Client Table
Info on clients

Jurisdiction Table
List of all Jurisdictions

ClientJurisdiction Table
Has primary key from Client Table to relate to Client
Has primary key from Jurisdiction Table to relate to Jurisdictions

One approach would be to have a form/subform configuration where the form
would be based on the client table and the subform based on the
ClientJurisdiction table. Then you could easily add and remove Jurisdictions
at the subform level.

If that will not satisfy your users and you need it all on a form, then I
would suggest two list boxes - One that would contain all the Jurisdictions
and one that would contain Jurisdictions assigned to the Client.


Klatuu, thanks for the info. The table structure is a many to many as you
indicated. Your form/subform method I think would suffice. Can you expond
further on the set up as to how it (subform) would actually operate? Or have
a sample site for me to look at?
Again, thanks for response.
*** John


It would work pretty much like any other subform. It may be helpful to the
user if you make the control for the Jurisdiction field in the subform a
combo box based on the Jurisdiction table so they can select from it.


The combobox was mentioned but they are wanting all jurisdictions to show
with a checkbox next to each one so they only need to check or uncheck a box
for the jurisdiction. I've used continuous subforms with comboboxes but how
do I go about to show all of the jurisdictions at the same time in a
continous subform? That is probably my biggest hurdle. Otherwise I can do
the rest.
Thanks again.
*** John


I guess I don't quite understand what you are trying to do. If the control
for Jurisdiction on the subform is a Combo box, then you would be able to see
all the possible jurisdictions.

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