multi-level side menu



I have been using (vertical) data list to simulate menus on left pane of
pages (I don't use drop-down and pull-down menus because javascript must be
enabled). However, the problem with data list is that I can only have 1
level of menus. Is there anyway to get multi-level menu? The idea is that
when one clicks on one menu item, it would expand and reveal sub-menus (if
exists). Clicking at an expanded parent level menu would collapse all
sub-menus. I could use treeview control to achieve that effect. However, it
is firstly not a pure control, and secondly quite slow (involving
many hits to the server instead one), and thirdly require deployment
configuration (must deploy tree control files at root level of IIS), and
fourthly, still requires javascript.

Is there any other options? Such as dynamically and recursively adding data
list within a data list on the run? I would appreciate some pointers and
some sample code.

Thanks in advance

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