Mulitple Language User Interface




I know for the English Windows system, you can download
MUI from Microsoft. So when one person logs on, the XP
environment is in English, when another person logs on,
the Environment is in Spanish. Do they have that for
Other languaged based XP OS? For example, having a
Japanese XP Pro, is there a MUI I can download, so I can
change the environment to English. So if I get errors,
etc, they are in English instead of Japanese?



It's possible in part. You can change the system default Regional settings to
where you live in. However, it can't be changed the system default language,
I guess.



Regional Settings alone will not change the whole
environment. For the English XP OS, they have a MUI you
can download or order from MS, then in Regional settings
you can change the environment to the user`s native

I haven`t found the MUI version for non-English OS yet, so
was wondering if anyone knows of any such downloads. I
can`t beleive companies in other countries that has
foreigners working for them, would buy an English version
OS just for that user. A lot of times programs in another
language would not work properly. So they should or might
have such a thing for other OS in the different Languages.


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