Mulitlevel Lists in Word 2007



Hi - I'm trying to create a multi-level list in Word 2007. For some reason
the feature that allows you to increase/decrease levels by just pressing
TAB/SHIFT TAB does not work. When I start a numbered list and then press
ENTER, then TAB to go the the next level it just tabs over with increasing
the level. Anybody have any idea what might be wrong?

Dawn Crosier, Word MVP

Check to see whether you have turned off your AutoFormat as you Type option.

1. Click once on the Microsoft Office Button (big button in upper left)
2. Select Word Options.
3. Select Proofing
4. Click on AutoCorrect Options
5. Click on AutoFormat as You Type
6. Make sure there is a checkmark in "Set left and first indent with tabs
and spaces."
7. OK, OK

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

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Hi - I'm trying to create a multi-level list in Word 2007. For some reason
the feature that allows you to increase/decrease levels by just pressing
TAB/SHIFT TAB does not work. When I start a numbered list and then press
ENTER, then TAB to go the the next level it just tabs over with increasing
the level. Anybody have any idea what might be wrong?

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