msnbot and Object reference not set to an instance of an object



Our site is getting errors whenever msnbot comes a knocking. Here is
part of the trace file.

Has Anyone else come across this? We have a feeling it may have to do
with session variables.

Error Information

Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source: System
TargetSite: Void set_Item(System.String, System.String)
StackTrace at:
System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary.set_Item(String key,
String value)
at A..ctor(Stream basestream)
at Immediacy.Web.UI.ImmediacyPage.OnInit(EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain()

Ken Cox [Microsoft MVP]

You didn't show us the code, but I suspect that your code is trying to get
something in a collection from the Request object but it is coming up

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