MSHFlexgrid1 Problem



Gurus ... we have a homegrown shipping application that uses Visual basic
embedded in Excel. The application is hosted on a Windows XP system.

This program worked for years without incident until we updated our machines
with recent security updates about August 18th ... Now, when we try to run
the program, we get the following compile error ..."Method or Data member not found", and it highlights the MSHFlexgrid1

This application is critical, and it's shutdown is causing us problems in
shipping product out the door, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Bernie Deitrick

I would check to see if your reference for the FlexGrid was updated - the original should be marked
as missing.

I think the FlexGrid is from Microsoft Active X Data Objects Library, so maybe look for the latest
file and update your project references.

MS Excel MVP

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