msgina.dll missing



I can't logon to windows as I receive the error message
telling me that msgina.dll has failed to load.

I don't currently have the windows xp setup discs, but I
should be able to get hold of a copy in the next couple of

I've tried using 'last known good configuration', but that
doesn't work.

So my problem is that I need to replace the msgina.dll but
I can't get into windows to do it nor can I restart in
safe mode with command prompt as the same error message
occurs. So I have no way of getting to the command prompt
at the moment, which I need to do in order to replace
the .dll I think.

Is there any way anyone can think of for me to bring up
the command prompt and thus be able to replace the file?

If not, what do I do once I have my windows setup cds?
Clearly reinstalling windows is the last resort.

Thanks in advance.


Boot from the XP CD, and press [R] then [C] at the Welcome screen to
start the Recovery Console and then type:

cd \windows\servicepackfiles\i386

copy MSGINA.DLL c:\windows\system32

copy SHELL32.DLL c:\windows\system32

copy WINLOGON.EXE c:\windows\system32

copy SHLWAPI.DLL c:\windows\system32

If the DLLs aren’t in the Servicepackfiles folder, you have to extract
them from the XP CD directly by typing:

expand D:\i386\MSGINA.DL_ C:\windows\system32

ssg MS-MVP


Brilliant, thanks for your help. Hopefully this will work!
-----Original Message-----

Boot from the XP CD, and press [R] then [C] at the Welcome screen to
start the Recovery Console and then type:

cd \windows\servicepackfiles\i386

copy MSGINA.DLL c:\windows\system32

copy SHELL32.DLL c:\windows\system32

copy WINLOGON.EXE c:\windows\system32

copy SHLWAPI.DLL c:\windows\system32

If the DLLs aren't in the Servicepackfiles folder, you have to extract
them from the XP CD directly by typing:

expand D:\i386\MSGINA.DL_ C:\windows\system32

ssg MS-MVP
I can't logon to windows as I receive the error message
telling me that msgina.dll has failed to load.

I don't currently have the windows xp setup discs, but I
should be able to get hold of a copy in the next couple of

I've tried using 'last known good configuration', but that
doesn't work.

So my problem is that I need to replace the msgina.dll but
I can't get into windows to do it nor can I restart in
safe mode with command prompt as the same error message
occurs. So I have no way of getting to the command prompt
at the moment, which I need to do in order to replace
the .dll I think.

Is there any way anyone can think of for me to bring up
the command prompt and thus be able to replace the file?

If not, what do I do once I have my windows setup cds?
Clearly reinstalling windows is the last resort.

Thanks in advance.


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