MSDE on Windows 2000 Pro


David Lozzi


I have a question for all you smarties... I have a ASP.Net application
running on Windows 2000 Professional and MSDE, same box. While running the
application, users will randomly receive a too many connections error or
even a simple Page cannot be displayed. I know some of the limitations of
MSDE and have managed to fudge my way around them, but what about Win2kPro
IIS? I'm thinking it won't let me a host an active application on it? This
app will be seeing 20-30 users at any point. We do have a Win2k3 SQL 2000
server available but my customer wants to know for sure this is the issue...


D a v i d L o z z i
Data & Web Technology Specialist
Delphi Technology Solutions, Inc.
Wilmington, MA
dlozzi@(remove this) -


I'd look more toward your code as the issue, before the artificial msde

IDataReader's must be CLOSED.
I repeat.
IDataReaders' must be CLOSED.

I'd look into using the DAAB 2.0 (sql server specific) or the
EnterpriseLibrary (Data especially).
They have already coded the best practices, so you don't have to remember

If you're using ConnectionPooling, then you need to understand how it works,
or you can get a billion connections opened.

ISBN 159059522X for a great discussion on this.

typical code should look like this in the DataLayer.

public void ReadSomeData(){

IDataReader idr = null


//do something here with the idr, like populate it, loop over it, etc ,etc

if (null!=idr)

There is no catch statement, place your catch statement in the business
layer or presentation layer.


for a discussion on this.


PS 12/16/2005

Check my blog... to see if you put in the correct settings on the install.

This is a smaller issue, compared to the IDataReader issue.



SqlReader is one implementation of IDataReader, fyi.

On a web environment, your data code's goals are:

Open as late as possible
Do Something, but only what you need
CLOSE as SOON as possible.

A website is a great candidate for MSDE .... IF you code correctly ,
especially the dataaccess.

Norman Yuan

BY "20-30 users at any point", do you mean they may access to the web app at
the SAME time? If so, it is likely the host OS (Win2K Pro) problem, rather
than MSDE. For MSDE, if there is more than 5 concurrent connection at the
same time, the MSDE slows down due to the governer kicks in. In this case,
the connection to MSDE may get timeout error. OTH, WIN2K Pro only allows
maximum 10 connections. If you have more than 10 users to connection the
WIN2K Pro box, whether they connect to IIS for web apps (with or without
access to MSDE), or they connect to a shared folder, only 10 are allowed,
and you get "too many connections" error if more than 10 users trying to
connect to the machine. It is is this case, you have to go to a server OS,
or go back to Win98 (no 10 connection limit built-in, but may be too old OS
to go back).

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