msconfig startup utility



I had a blaster worm which loaded an exe file in the registry. I have
removed the file, but the startup utility still lists it and the computer
looks for it. I would prefer to use a general startup vice a selective. So
I need to know how to get it off the startup utility. Thanks


Go into Windows Explorer, (right click Start and select Explore)
Expand Windows XP,
Expand Documents and Settings,
Expand the start menu's under Administrator, all users, default user and your name one at a time,
click startup, and programs, and highlite startup.
look for the name you want to delete and highlite it.
Click File at the top and click delete.

JerryM (ID)

A man who can smile when things go wrong,
has thought of someone he can blame it on.


BobbyB said:
I had a blaster worm which loaded an exe file in the registry. I have
removed the file, but the startup utility still lists it and the computer
looks for it. I would prefer to use a general startup vice a selective. So
I need to know how to get it off the startup utility. Thanks

The unchecked [disabled] items in MSCONFIG are present here:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupreg]

The enabled ones are be present here:

You may either delete the keys manually, or download a fix from:

Clear Disabled Items from Msconfig Startup [Line 148]

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