MS Outlook Update: "Requires Internet Explorer 5 or greater...."


Al Dykes

My XP box is running IE 6.0.2900. I don't want to update to
7-anything. It runs Windows Update fine.

I've installed MS Outlook and it's update tool tells me it wants "5 or
higher", which I clearly have.

Short of installing IE7, any suggestions?

Terry R.

The date and time was 11/13/2008 5:44 AM, and on a whim, Al Dykes
pounded out on the keyboard:
My XP box is running IE 6.0.2900. I don't want to update to
7-anything. It runs Windows Update fine.

I've installed MS Outlook and it's update tool tells me it wants "5 or
higher", which I clearly have.

Short of installing IE7, any suggestions?

Hi Al,

What version of OL? The only message I could find was here:
but was related to OE and OL.

Do you have all the updates to IE6?

Terry R.

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PA Bear [MS MVP]

1. Temporarily disable your third-party firewall AND THEN enable the Windows

2. Go to Windows Update website then click on the link to Microsoft Update.
After doing so, Automatic Updates will offer updates for Windows, Office
(Outlook), and many Windows Live applications.

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