MS-MVP Moniker



I see on many of the replies to questions posted on this group where the OP
has a designation of "MS-MVP" or just "MVP" attached to his or her name. My
question is this:

What are all the requirements and steps that must be taken to have this
Microsoft approved designation attached to your name ?

Some of the replies that I see on this group that have that perticular
designation give some really great answers to a posted problem, while others
are not that good at all. I have some knowledge regarding Win XP, Win 2000,
98 and 95 and can usually deduct most of the time if the answers posted are
anywhere in the ball park.

Being that there is sometimes a great difference in replies (some good and
some pretty ugly) is the reason I ask what are the requirements to have the
MS-MVP or MVP on your name. Just curious that's all.

By the way, I have gained a great deal more knowledge just reading all the
information that comes across this group.


Ron Bogart

I see on many of the replies to questions posted on this group where
the OP has a designation of "MS-MVP" or just "MVP" attached to his or
her name. My question is this:

What are all the requirements and steps that must be taken to have
this Microsoft approved designation attached to your name ?

Some of the replies that I see on this group that have that perticular
designation give some really great answers to a posted problem, while
others are not that good at all. I have some knowledge regarding Win
XP, Win 2000, 98 and 95 and can usually deduct most of the time if
the answers posted are anywhere in the ball park.

Being that there is sometimes a great difference in replies (some
good and some pretty ugly) is the reason I ask what are the
requirements to have the MS-MVP or MVP on your name. Just curious
that's all.

By the way, I have gained a great deal more knowledge just reading
all the information that comes across this group.


You can get lots of information regarding the MVP designator here:

Ron Bogart {} ô¿ô¬
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -
Lovin life on Mercer Island 8^)
"Life is what happens while we are making other plans."
In memory of a true friend, MVP Alex Nichol (1935-2005)

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

This link can answer your questions:

There are no specific steps to take to ensure you are awarded MVP.
Becoming an MVP can be the most difficult goal you can have.
It can also be the easiest goal you can have.
Having as a goal of getting the MVP award is possibly the worst way to
attempt to get it.
Simply contribute as you can and work from there.


Thanks Ron for the web site information. I am still a little confused about
how to get involved with a Microsoft Community.


Mark Dormer

You are involved.
Post, read and answer questions in these newsgroups, via nntp or web and you
are participating.

Mark Dormer



I think you meant to say that the replies are from MVP's to OP's. :blush:)

Either way, we are all different in our thinking and approaches. Whether
one is better than the other is an interpretation of the reader, as
yourself. We all are here to give of ourselves freely on our own free time
to help others in the best way that we know how. Each one, teach one!
By the way, I have gained a great deal more knowledge just reading all the
information that comes across this group.

Thank you and stick around. :blush:)


All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


MVPs are not Borg.. it is not a collective from which a unified response
emanates.. we are all individuals with our own inimitable delivery styles..

Recently, you questioned some advice that I gave to an OP who wanted info on
how to clean install.. I gave you reasons why, but you didn't seem to be
over convinced..

So, what you should do is write down instructions that you feel are
pertinent to clean installing XP, and then ask a newbie to do an install
based upon what you have written.. make sure that the incumbent installation
includes a Windows address book with entries, some Wordpad files, and
e-mail.. there must also be a program installed that is not part of the
Windows installation..

Then set the newbie loose on the system.. the goal is that they have a
working computer with only ONE instance of XP existing, address book,
Wordpad documents and e-mail intact and usable.. the computer must be
updated with SP2, and all peripheral and internal devices working.. they are
to receive no help from you, other than the instruction sheet.. the program
that was not part of the Windows installation must be working too, but you
must NOT provide original installation media for it to be re-instated.. the
firewall must be set to active..

At some point, you would be asked what to do next, or for moral support in
some way.. a good thing, yes?.. a little bit of intervention and you would
have a working system again..

Now imagine what could happen if you were on the other end of a message 4000
miles away.. you can't intervene.. the newbie is on his/her own.. would you
take responsibility for the lost documents, e-mails, programs, MP3's,
irreplaceable one time vacation pictures of an African Safari?.. will you be
able to get rid of two failed installation attempts and a computer that is
presenting BSOD's at every boot?.. would you take responsibility for the
computer store that will not make any attempt to save their data and just
leave them with a basic half working shell?..

How many possible eventualities do you think that your instruction sheet
will have to cover, such that the OP will be happy with a computer that has
the same stuff that was present before the trojan/virus hit?

You would very soon see why I advocate downloading and running four small
programs.. my way, and of others too, will essentially preserve the original
setup.. it is unlikely that pre-installed programs like MS Office will be
lost unless a virus has really been bad.. and at the end of it, tools will
exist that can be used again as preventative measures..

I don't doubt that you know your stuff.. but there is a world of difference
between training people in a controlled scenario where you can take over
before the system is obliterated, and helping somebody remotely in just a
few short messages..

And remember this too.. OP's are not always sure what has gone wrong, and
may not be being entirely truthful.. you do not always get told all of the
facts.. yet your advise will have an effect on all of the things you didn't
know about.. and they will blame you, trust me.. and others will step up and
accuse you of being a crap MVP or whatever status you have..

I look forward to seeing you in action.. computer users need all the help
that they can get.. there are other newsgroups that you could operate in
too.. maybe you have a strength in IE/OE or MS Office products..

Good luck

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user


Thank you all for your input to my original question. And Mike, I don't
recall questioning a possible solution you gave to an OP about a "Clean
Install" but I sometimes get that "Old Timers" syndrome so that may explain
it. And I'm not sure about Kelly's baby pic either !! but I guess whoever it
was meant for does.

I will continue to check out posts on this group and if I feel I have a
viable solution that I know is correct to someone's problem, I will have some
input. Otherwise I will just make it a learning experience and try and weed
out all the other non-appropriate posts.

Redwagon..... (And hey Kurt-----"PEACE")


Al said:
More like agents of the Obsidian Order.

LOL! A DS9 fan!

But I'd have to say, that I respect many more MVPs than those that I
don't. The vast majority of them are no more shills for MS than I am,
and are just trying to help out people with problems. But just like
every group of people, the few bad apples stand out more than than all
the good ones.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Al Smith

Most Mvps are not Borg! :)
LOL! A DS9 fan!

But I'd have to say, that I respect many more MVPs than those that I
don't. The vast majority of them are no more shills for MS than I am,
and are just trying to help out people with problems. But just like
every group of people, the few bad apples stand out more than than all
the good ones.

Me, too. In general they do good work in here. I just kid around.


Kelly said:
Either way, we are all different in our thinking and approaches. Whether
one is better than the other is an interpretation of the reader, as


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