MS Access Reporting - Fill empty report space with blank recordssurrounded by gridlines



Blank example -

I have an Access 2007 problem and I would just like to know if there
is some sort of solution out there. The problem is, when I build a
report that will 99% of the time be one page or less maybe even a half
page. I end up with a giant space in the middle of my report. I want
to fill that space with empty records but the records must only be
enough to fill the page and still leave the report foot at the bottom
of the last page. Those empty records in combination with the
gridlines surrounding the records will fill the blank space.
I was sure!!! I would find something in a forum about
this situation, I searched extensively. I have even posted in
multiple forums and it seemingly has everyone stumped. I am linking
to a screenshot of a blank report to give you an idea of what I have
been dealing with. I will take any form of help possible, even if it
is go buy my book this book the answer is between page 1 and 1000 : )
I thought this would be something that would be very important to
certain types of reports and could be verrrrry helpful to the Access

With Respect,

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