MS Access 2007 Specifications...


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Hello NewsGroup,

Are there any specification documents, web pages, that describe Access 2007
characteristics completely? I found on the MS website very good field
specification, I want to know things like; Max. Database size, Number of
objects per database, Number of fields per table now that an Excel sheet can
have ~16, 000 columns and one imports an Excel sheet into a table, number of
constraints per table, number of nested levels in a SAL
statement,..............., etc.

Many thanks Newsgroup.

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Brendan Reynolds

I don't think there have been any changes in these areas. The new Access
database engine is based on the JET database engine. It has some new
features, such as support for 'complex data', but to the best of my
knowledge all of the specifications such as database size, number of
objects, number of columns etc. remain as in JET 4.

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Thank you very much Brendan. Not that there is anything wrong with the
current JET 40 database structure. Just asking how much further MS tool
Access as Excel seems miles a head of where it with 2003 down to 97.

Thanks again, take care.

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Hey thanks Brendan, just the page I've been looking for. Go well.

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