Mozilla does not work and cannot logout with Ctrl+Alt+Del after SP



Hello, I have a AMD 1200 with 1GB mem. While it ran normally with XP Pro and SP1, it now acts weird under SP2. Mozilla refuses to run even after a reinstallation. Also I cannot quickly go to "Lock Computer" from hitting Ctrl+Alt+Del. It pops up the Task Manager with not choices instead. Everything else seems to work fine.


That's the nature of beta software. The final release of SP2 should work
To lock the workstation:
win key + L

Or create a shortcut and point it here:
%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

Ken Blake, MVP

DGK said:
Hello, I have a AMD 1200 with 1GB mem. While it ran normally with XP
Pro and SP1, it now acts weird under SP2. Mozilla refuses to run even
after a reinstallation. Also I cannot quickly go to "Lock Computer"
from hitting Ctrl+Alt+Del. It pops up the Task Manager with not
choices instead. Everything else seems to work fine.

SP2 hasn't been released yet. What you're running is not SP2, but
a *beta* version of SP2.. The reason it's a beta version and not
a released version is that it still has bugs in it.

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