Moving WindowsXP from domain a to domain b



My problem is this:
I setup a computer for "Domain A" and at the last moment the workstation was
sent to another location and joined "Domain B". The two domains are not
connected. On site, I realized the computer was still a member of 'domain a'
so I placed the computer back to workgroup mode then joined 'domain b' (which
took forever - network path not found errors)

Currently I can login to 'domain b' however the mapped drives are still from
the old domain, and I do not seem to have permissions to view files on the
server in domain b! (coincedently, both servers in the two different domains
are named the same - 'server1'). This workstations seem to be stuck with some
of the settings from the old domain.

How do I clean this up?

Other info:
Domain A: Windows 2003 - server name:server1
Domain B: Windows 2000 - server name:server1


i would first check dns settings which should avoid the network path not
found error
second, did you disconnect the old mapped drives and try to map to the new



After I was able to join the domain. I can login as any user in the domain
B. Works fine. Even policies are applied. Default web page and such get
changed. However, the user object cannot see the contents of the server by
typing \\server1 at the run field.

The user can see all the shares (folders and printers) by typing \\domain\
at the
run field, however it says that the user "cannot view the contents and blah
blah blah maybe a permissions problem" Also the logon script does not run (or
perhaps cannot run) only on this machine. I am assuming WindowsXP runs okay
with Win2000 / AD. All the other workstations are Win2k sp4.

Any advice appreciated.

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