Moving rows with multiple criteria



I have a spreadsheet with many rows and columns (rows will grow over time).
I am interested in filtering one column with multiple criteria (i.e. 50
different values may be possible). Is this possible? If so, how.

Two problems I face is: How do I create the formula w/ multiple values? Is
there a limit. I am also struggling with the concept of dynamic ranges
because the number of rows will increase.

Once I filter this how can I copy this to another sheet?


I am interested in filtering one column with multiple criteria
(i.e. 50 different values may be possible).

Assuming the 50 diff values are entered into say, F1:F50
Assume the col to be checked is col C, data in C2 down
In D2, copied down: =IF(C2="","",COUNTIF($F$1:$F$50,C2))
Apply autofilter on col D, choose: 1 from the droplist to get the filtered
results. Copy n paste elsewhere as desired.
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