Moving paragraphs from MS Word to Excel




In excel is there an alternative to using format|wrap text? I was
wondering if it's possible to insert text from a word document into
excel and have lines automatically cut off after a specified limit of
characters/"whole words" - as it would appear in MS Word. For instance,
if the first paragraph in my word document had 580 characters, I'd like
to paste it into excel. Then I figure you can use a combination of
trim, mid, and other text functions (that I'm unaware of) to return a
specific range of characters.

Let's say cell A1 had 580 character paragraph, and I chose that each
line should have around 100 characters.

I've started using the following technique.

A1 = "paragraph" B1 = 90 (desired character length of each line)
A2 = TRIM(MID(A1, 1,B1))
A3 = TRIM(MID(A1, B1*1+1,B1))
A4 = TRIM(MID(A1, B1*2+1,B1))

But using these formul
as will cut off words
and punctuation where
I don't want it to. Do
you see what I'm tryi
ng to say?

Myrna Larson

Look at Edit/Fill/Justify.

Let's say you have all of the text in a single cell, A1. It now extends over
through E1. You want to get it into an area no wider than A:B by using rows

Be sure you have enough blank rows below row 1. I'll assume you have 5. Select
A1:B5, then Edit/Fill/Justify. If that isn't enough rows, Excel will tell you.
The text will end up in cells in column A; in each cell, it will not extend
farther to the right than column B.


Thanks for that tip. If I have multiple paragraphs in there
another trick to avoid having to count how many rows there will be in
excel. I'd like to just copy and paste text from word to excel... and
have some automated process where rows are created or adjusted wihout
having to manually repeat steps.

Myrna Larson

Perhaps. If the text requires 5 rows and you have selected only 3, Excel
will tell you that. If there's no data below, you can simply say to to
proceed with the paste.

If you want to automate the whole thing, you'll have to write a macro.

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