Moving large files from 98 to XP


Paul R

Currently use Win98 but will be migrating to XP later this week. I am
aware that my CD-R/W discs formatted in 98 and used for backing up files
are not recognizable by XP. I use Adaptec and either drag&drop or BackUp
My PC to back up files currently in my 98 pc. What can I do to transfer
those files too large for floppies and on Adaptec discs not recognized
by XP?

John Thomas Smith

Currently use Win98 but will be migrating to XP later this week. I am
aware that my CD-R/W discs formatted in 98 and used for backing up files
are not recognizable by XP. I use Adaptec and either drag&drop or BackUp

Who said... did you test this yourself?

The Backup PROGRAM included with Win98 is not compatible with the
Backup program in WinXp (Micro$oft has a bad habit of breaking
stuff like that between versions) but a simple file copy SHOULD
work just fine between computers... as long as you used something
other than a built-in Windoze application to create the CD
My PC to back up files currently in my 98 pc. What can I do to transfer
those files too large for floppies and on Adaptec discs not recognized
by XP?

I have CD-R disks going back to Win3.1 days which read just fine on
my Win2000 computer at home and my WinXp computer at work... but I
did not use the Micro$oft Backup program

John Thomas Smith

Paul R

John said:
Who said... did you test this yourself?

Yes, I found that simply taking my R/W from the Win98 pc and inserting
it into the disc drive of the WInXP would not recognize the disc.
The Backup PROGRAM included with Win98 is not compatible with the
Backup program in WinXp (Micro$oft has a bad habit of breaking
stuff like that between versions) but a simple file copy SHOULD
work just fine between computers... as long as you used something
other than a built-in Windoze application to create the CD

I have CD-R disks going back to Win3.1 days which read just fine on
my Win2000 computer at home and my WinXp computer at work... but I
did not use the Micro$oft Backup program

I've not used the MS back-up app that comes with 98 although this 3rd
party app that I sometimes use, BackUp My PC, looks and acts just like
the app that comes with 98.

Maybe the answer is in using CD-Rs and *not* CD-R/Ws for the transfer. I
use R/Ws for back ups, which I do either as a direct copy of the file
from my hdd to the R/W -- or -- via the BackUp My PC back-up program,
using a "file" back up rather than a "media" backup. I just don't know
if XP will restore from this program. I just don't have acces to an XP
pc right now to find out if it will read CD-Rs formatted under Adaptec.

Thanks for the info...

J.P. and Earl

Paul R said:
Currently use Win98 but will be migrating to XP later this week. I am
aware that my CD-R/W discs formatted in 98 and used for backing up files
are not recognizable by XP. I use Adaptec and either drag&drop or BackUp
My PC to back up files currently in my 98 pc. What can I do to transfer
those files too large for floppies and on Adaptec discs not recognized by

If you close your session using the Adaptec program, your CD should be a
standard data CD, which then just about any OS can read the data.

Don't do a backup, just copy your files onto a CD, close the session and
go... simple as that.

J.P. Wing

Paul R

J.P. and Earl said:
If you close your session using the Adaptec program, your CD should be a
standard data CD, which then just about any OS can read the data.

Don't do a backup, just copy your files onto a CD, close the session and
go... simple as that.

J.P. Wing
Are you referring to CD-R's or CD-R/W's? I've been using R/W's for back
up due to their re-writable capacity, though the packet writing Adaptec
uses for R/W's may be the problem in these not being recognized by XP.
Just wondering, again, since I don't have access right now to an XP
machine with which to try this out (CD-R's vs. R/W's).

Wislu Plethora

-----Original Message-----
John said:
Yes, I found that simply taking my R/W from the Win98 pc and inserting
it into the disc drive of the WInXP would not recognize the disc.

I've not used the MS back-up app that comes with 98 although this 3rd
party app that I sometimes use, BackUp My PC, looks and acts just like
the app that comes with 98.

Maybe the answer is in using CD-Rs and *not* CD-R/Ws for the transfer. I
use R/Ws for back ups, which I do either as a direct copy of the file
from my hdd to the R/W -- or -- via the BackUp My PC back- up program,
using a "file" back up rather than a "media" backup. I just don't know
if XP will restore from this program. I just don't have acces to an XP
pc right now to find out if it will read CD-Rs formatted under Adaptec.

Thanks for the info...

Disregard the responses posted by the two groping
ignoramuses who have thus far only muddied the waters. It
seems like what you are saying is that the backup CDs were
packet-written, in which case it doesn't make any
difference what backup software was used (although that
might turn out to be another problem). You say you used
"Adaptec" which means, I assume, InCD. In order to read
the discs with any operating system (the fact that you're
moving to XP is irrelevant) you'll need to have InCD

That said, once you can read the discs, you'll still need
the backup software that wrote the files, which may or
may not be XP-compatible.

Don MI

Paul R said:
Currently use Win98 but will be migrating to XP later this week. I am
aware that my CD-R/W discs formatted in 98 and used for backing up files
are not recognizable by XP. I use Adaptec and either drag&drop or BackUp
My PC to back up files currently in my 98 pc. What can I do to transfer
those files too large for floppies and on Adaptec discs not recognized
by XP?

Roxio now owns the Adaptec software

What you may need is a UDF Volume Reader, see:

While Windows XP is not listed here, if you click on the link and scroll
down to the UDF Volume Reader Windows 2000/XP is listed.


Lil' Dave

Simple answer here. XP and Adaptec udf formats are slightly different.
This format is normally used for writing to cdrw media. One replier said to
install Adaptec, yes if the version you're using is compatible with XP.
And, an addendum, you have to disable native cd writing in XP.

Another way, previously noted as well, but not clear. ISO 9660 format is
what all your software application installation type CDs are written in. It
can be written on cdr media or cdrw media. This is where a closed session
is required. XP can read these, unless the PC with the cdrw can't read the
specific media you chose to write with. These even work with (cringe)

Paul R

Wislu said:
Disregard the responses posted by the two groping
ignoramuses who have thus far only muddied the waters. It
seems like what you are saying is that the backup CDs were
packet-written, in which case it doesn't make any
difference what backup software was used (although that
might turn out to be another problem). You say you used
"Adaptec" which means, I assume, InCD. In order to read
the discs with any operating system (the fact that you're
moving to XP is irrelevant) you'll need to have InCD

Actually, I formatted the R/W with Adaptec's Easy CD Creator (I don't
have InCD). I assume I can install some XP version of Adaptec and Easy
CD so I can read the disc under XP?
That said, once you can read the discs, you'll still need
the backup software that wrote the files, which may or
may not be XP-compatible.

In those cases in which I used my 3rd party back-up app, it is
compatible with XP and plan to install it.

Paul R

Lil' Dave said:
Simple answer here. XP and Adaptec udf formats are slightly different.
This format is normally used for writing to cdrw media. One replier said to
install Adaptec, yes if the version you're using is compatible with XP.
And, an addendum, you have to disable native cd writing in XP.

Another way, previously noted as well, but not clear. ISO 9660 format is
what all your software application installation type CDs are written in. It
can be written on cdr media or cdrw media. This is where a closed session
is required. XP can read these, unless the PC with the cdrw can't read the
specific media you chose to write with. These even work with (cringe)
Perhaps the answer is in doing the back-up, or simply copying files,
from the W98 pc unto a CD-R (not R/W) before attempting to transfer the
files to the XP system? I gather from your post (and some of the others)
that people commonly use CD-R's and not R/W's as a way of transferring
files from 98 to XP.

I have yet to hear from anyone who has done the transfer or
back-up/restore to XP using R/W's.

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