Moving extra fonts without deleting them



How do you move extra fonts without deleting them? I have 600+ fonts
installed. I see no option to just move the font without deleting them
permanently. My HP laptop is very slow starting up and I think the installed
fonts are slowing it down.


Fosbury said:
How do you move extra fonts without deleting them? I have 600+ fonts
installed. I see no option to just move the font without deleting them
permanently. My HP laptop is very slow starting up and I think the installed
fonts are slowing it down.

Having 600+ fonts will not slow your system. The problem with having too
many fonts installed has not been around since Win9x/ME. XP and Vista
handle fonts completely differently.

There is a different reason your computer is slowing down, but since you
didn't give any information about it I can't give you focused
troubleshooting. Here are some general things to begin with:

The First Question Of Troubleshooting: what changed between the time
things worked and the time they didn't?

The Second Question of Windows Troubleshooting: what is the
malware/virus status of the machine? If you think it is clean, what
programs (and versions) did you use to determine this?

Be sure the computer is clean:

If the computer is slow and you've definitely established that it's
virus/malware-free, do clean-boot troubleshooting to see what is causing
the problem:

How to perform a clean boot in Vista and XP -

Also see:

Slow or Sluggish Computer: - Take Out the Trash

Another thing to check is that you have plenty of space left on the hard
drive and that the drive isn't in PIO mode. See MVP Hans-Georg Michna's
page about that:

This will give you plenty of places to start your troubleshooting. If
you can't do the work yourself (and there is no shame in admitting this
isn't your cup of tea), take the machine to a professional computer
repair shop (not your local equivalent of BigComputerStore/GeekSquad).
If possible, have all your data backed up before you take the machine
into a shop.


Ken Blake, MVP

How do you move extra fonts without deleting them? I have 600+ fonts
installed. I see no option to just move the font without deleting them
permanently. My HP laptop is very slow starting up and I think the installed
fonts are slowing it down.

Whatever is slowing it down isn't the number of fonts. That was a
problem years ago, in older Windows versions, but hasn't been one in a
long time.

My personal view is that the attention many people pay to how long it
takes to boot is unwarranted. Assuming that the computer's speed is
otherwise satisfactory, it may not be worth worrying about. Most
people start their computers once a day or even less frequently. In
the overall scheme of things, even a few minutes to start up isn't
very important. Personally I power on my computer when I get up in the
morning, then go get my coffee. When I come back, it's done booting. I
don't know how long it took to boot and I don't care.

However if you do want to address it, it may be because of what
programs start automatically, and you may want to stop some of them
from starting that way. On each program you don't want to start
automatically, check its Options to see if it has the choice not to
start (make sure you actually choose the option not to run it, not
just a "don't show icon" option). Many can easily and best be stopped
that way. If that doesn't work, run MSCONFIG from the Start | Run
line, and on the Startup tab, uncheck the programs you don't want to
start automatically.

However, if I were you, I wouldn't do this just for the purpose of
running the minimum number of programs. Despite what many people tell
you, you should be concerned, not with how *many* of these programs
you run, but *which*. Some of them can hurt performance severely, but
others have no effect on performance.

Don't just stop programs from running willy-nilly. What you should do
is determine what each program is, what its value is to you, and what
the cost in performance is of its running all the time. You can get
more information about these at If you can't find it there,
try google searches and ask about specifics here.

Once you have that information, you can make an intelligent informed
decision about what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of.


Thank you. Do you know how to move the excessive fonts without deleting
them. Maybe I'm in the wrong section??


Thank you. Do you know how to move excessive fonts without deleting them?
Maybe I'm in the wrong forum section.??


Thanks, to me it looks like font moving is a two-step process. First I have
to move the font to the other folder (the original stayed in the font folder
after the move) and then I have to delete the original. I see no other
move option. Is this corrct? This is what I ran into yesterday, but thought
there might me some move otion of which I was not aware. Since you say the
fonts are not slowing down the machine, I guess it is just a nuisance having
that many fonts and not a real problem. I appreciate the help.

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