Moving e-mail from notebook to desktop



My son in law is a salesman and he receives a lot of e-mail when he is on
the road and he has several questions.

1. He just purchased a new notebook which has Outlook installed, his desktop
in the office has OE installed. Can Outlook messages be copied to the OE
machine and be read?

2. In the past with his old notebook which had OE he had it set so that the
messages would be left on the server and when he returned to the office he
would download them again. A good many of these messages were Spam, so they
would be deleted. Is there a way that if he uncheck the leave a message on
the server box in Tools that he can delete the messages that he downloads
when he is on the road that he doesn't want to keep and then copy the
important messages to his desktop when he arrives back in the office.


My son in law is a salesman and he receives a lot of e-mail when he is on
the road and he has several questions.

1. He just purchased a new notebook which has Outlook installed, his desktop
in the office has OE installed. Can Outlook messages be copied to the OE
machine and be read?

2. In the past with his old notebook which had OE he had it set so that the
messages would be left on the server and when he returned to the office he
would download them again. A good many of these messages were Spam, so they
would be deleted. Is there a way that if he uncheck the leave a message on
the server box in Tools that he can delete the messages that he downloads
when he is on the road that he doesn't want to keep and then copy the
important messages to his desktop when he arrives back in the office.

If you are asking about Outlook Express, you might be better off
visiting somewhere that they discuss that software.

Outlook's rules, and how you manage them, are very different.

Michael Kenward Words for sale

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