Moving cells based on certain criteria



Wondering how to move some cells.

Basically I want to say that if for instance on Sheet 1 "C4" is greater than
"1" then move cells "A4, B4, C4, D4, and E4" to a particular spot on Sheet 2.

Any ideas?

JE McGimpsey

In your "particular spot(s)", enter:


If you want to compare C4 to the *number* 1, rather than the string "1",
then don't enclose it in quotes.


Didn't really do anything at all. Maybe this will help.

Sheet 1:

A4 - Description
B4 - empty
C4 - 1 (could be any number greater than 0)
D4 - $2.00 (Price)
E4 - =C4*D4 (Total Price)

Basically I want to enter a number higher than zero in the C4 (Quantity)
cell and then have it automatically paste A4 - E4 over to Sheet 2 in the cell
I choose.


Ok. I have something now. I did this on sheet 2. This only copies one cell
at a time. Is there a way to make it copy all of the cells using one formula?


JE McGimpsey

First, functions only return values to their calling cells, they can't
paste values anywhere.

So in Sheet2:

A4: =IF(Sheet1!$C4>0,Sheet1!A4,"")

Copy from B4 to E4.

You COULD use an array formula: Select Sheet2!A4:E4 and enter with


but there's no significant advantage to doing so.

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